Name: The Lodde
Date of Birth: 13.04.87
Place of Birth: Raeren, Belgium
Living Place: Aachen
Height: 3,6 Sporthocker
Weight: 26 Sporthocker
How long do you hocker and how you got into it? October 2008, Chapter 2 Convention, Brügge (B), talked to SL300… he told me about Hockern. So I had to try it… and was lost. Took my first Hocker back home.
Sporthocker weight and color: Pro Model “The Lodde”, 2.0 kg
Favorite Tricks: Mostly my latest tricks. Mainly Kicks and Backcrosses.
Achievements: Hocktoberfest 2013, Double 2nd place
Hocktoberfest 2011, Double 1st place
Hocktoberfest 2009 & 2010, 4th place
Inspiration: S-Faktor, juggling, daydreams
Other activities: Chocolate & juggling
Last Words: You don´t have to be crazy to hocker… but it helps!