173 posts
Frankfurter Turntable Hockern, Trailer 1
Frankfurter Turntable-Hockern, cool beats mixed with a fresh sport. On September 11th 2009, at Club O25 in Ostendstraße, Frankfurt. Chosen artists of bureau45 will put on some tunes to Sporthocker…
Sporthocker Training Berlin
Attention! Here you can find informations to our actual trainings: Summer 2009: The Sporthocker Training in Berlin will take place every Wednesday at 5pm at „Zentralview- und Schlachthof“ Blankensteinpark,…
DMY International Design Festival Berlin 2009
Berlin, June 3rd – 7th 2009 The DMY International Design Festival Berlin „Same same, but different“ presents works of international established designers plus prototypes and experimental editions of young designers.…
SALZIG Sporthocker from now in BERLIN
From now SALZIG Sporthocker and SALZIG Design in Berlin. Just come around… You will find us in the north of Friedrichshain, Liebigstraße 25, 10247 Berlin.
Flensbmx JAM and 725 years anniversary celebration of Flensburg
From May, 29th to 31st 2009 all hell is let loose at the Skatepark „Schlachthof“ at Flensburg 725 years anniversary celebration. There will be an Expert (Beginner) and Master (Advanced)…
SURF Festival Fehmarn 2009
… and SALZIG Sporthocker is there again with their Hocker to do tricks. Stephan „SL300“ Landschütz, world championship winner of the last two years, will come together with the SALZIG…
ONE SECOND extreme – Breakdancer, Zombies, Sportpiraten & Co.
The saturday in the Walzenmühle was a perfect opening event for the squaremeter sale of the Skatepark „Schlachthof“ in Flensburg. Breakdancers, Sporthockerer, BMXers, Paperplane Pilots, Zombies and Djs completed the…